When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which opens for us."My friend Kate and I were talking about this today. People are very out of sorts (here) presumably because of the rain coming, of the shorter days, of autumn in general. Autumn is so many things that summer is not. And the not is what is closely observed.
- Alexander Graham Bell
Here is a daily groove by Scott Noelle about taking the path of least resistance, going with the flow, using an example of rain, no less. How appropriate.
The Path of Least Resistance
by Scott Noelle, posted on 2007-05-04
"Take a moment today to observe the motion of water drops descending on a window, windshield, shower wall, or sink.
Each drop follows its own "path of least resistance" toward Ground, which is rarely a straight line. It flows around obstacles in the easiest possible way. When the obstacle is another drop, the easiest way might be to merge with it.
Sometimes the easiest path is that which has been established by previous drops. Sometimes it's easier to stay put until another drop comes along.
In every case, there is no trying, no effort. There is only ease and surrender. That's Nature's Way. Evidence of this is everywhere — in the growth patterns of wild plants, the movement of animals, and the behavior of children.
Today, set the intention to flow like water through your day and with your children. Notice that when you feel stressed, you're resisting in some way.
And when you feel good, you're going with the Flow."
Today Eva wanted to make meringue cookies for Matt's birthday. She wants them to be a surprise, so they are cooking on very slow in the oven right now. I don't know how they are going to turn out because for some reason they were not firming up the way they do and I remembered that you aren't *supposed* to make meringue when it is raining but surely I have made meringue in the rain here before? Then it occurred to me that it isn't the rain per se, but the dew point and it has been very warm here lately- in the 60's rather than 50's and that in conjunction with the rain is what was probably making it difficult to make meringue. Not sure and I probably won't look it up right now. Anyway, the meringue would not be good for a pie, but for cookies it should be just fine.
And now everyone is really relaxed. Samuel even went as far as to say he was in a good mood and was enjoying his day. How is that for getting out of the way and going with the flow. So so glad I didn't mind about egg yolk all over (not that I usually do, anyway, but you get my meaning about getting in the way...). So glad I turned the music on and got us moving. It totally changed the day. Now we just have to eat. And I am so excited because I made this chicken and rice soup with celeriac, carrots and yes! even fennel and it was good.
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