
Thursday, May 28, 2009


We have been out and about the last couple of days having a lovely time with friends after spending so many days at home while first one and then the other child had chicken pox. Thankfully both cases were very mild and the worst of it was staying home for too many days.

I was out in the garden checking out some new flowers and leaning down to smell them when I saw this guy, so striking against the leaves. Do I think of anything besides flowers and bugs? Well, of course- chicken pox and children and strawberries (our firsts are appearing in our patch in the back!) and yoga and now nia and salad and the meaning of life and synchronicity and unschooling and reading and creativity and hair detanglers and Moomins and which book to read next and writing and presence and trees and swinging and bike riding and knitting and...

And a lot about flowers and bugs.

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