
Saturday, July 4, 2009


...a good tale about what- about the neighborhood Fourth of July parade that has once again come and gone. About the handfuls of candy, the dog biscuit, the invitation to story time, to preschool, the undercover policeman who corrected Samuel on his waving? really?, the two fire and rescue badges, friendly faces, little girls dressed up as firecrackers giving out handmade cards! I love that. And now- arguing over candy, dividing it up, trading. Not as much candy as Samuel would like but more than he had before the parade to be sure. Rounds of Happy Fourth of July's, Happy 4th!, smiling faces, tired walkers, circling bike riders, red faces pulling wagons, red, white and blue- glitter, streamers, balloons, flap-flap-flap on bicycle tires, dragon dogs, glittered dogs, happy dogs out for a stroll... one child spraying everyone with water from a squirt gun, squeals, laughter. You can't beat it for passing directly in front of our house at 10:00 a.m. each year on the Fourth of July.

We are going to the farmers market this morning as well to pick up our CSA basket and then to buy fireworks for tonight. I had thought about the upick- I think about it every year on the 4th, all the berries getting started, a great day to pick. Words like Tayberries! Black caps! Blackberries! pop into my mind. Still, it is another hot day and we will wait until tomorrow and the next day and the next. Focus on something other than berries? I will surely try.

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