
Monday, July 20, 2009


How about a little coconut bliss with homemade raspberry jam to jump start some creativity this afternoon. Samuel is sick today. Eva is on the mend, although still hosting a cold virus or two. There is something about a fever and cold in the middle of the summer that seems not quite fair. It is unseasonable at best- although truth be told who am I to schedule viruses. Could this mean one less cold in December perhaps? It helps, I think, that it is inordinately hot outside- summer in Oregon, the big surprise no one mentions- can be very very hot. And dry! Imagine that. Someday I would love to have rain barrels to collect rain during the winter months to use to water my garden and flowers in the summer. I know my roses would last longer if I watered them more, for instance, but I stand stubborn on watering too much, too often- and I decide what that is, each day being different than the one before. Right now there is a lot of watering going on.

My projects of late range from the mundane to the excessively spiritual, beginning with meditation first thing in the morning. I leave you to decide which is which. We thankfully have a ton of blueberries currently and I made jam yesterday as well as some yummy watermelon-blueberry juice (with beets! of course) that I am still sipping on today. I read a great quote by Mark Twain (who, oddly, I dreamed about the other night) about watermelon-"When one has tasted it {watermelon, that is}, he knows what the angels eat." Yes- I agree wholeheartedly and argued with myself just this morning about my favorite food- watermelon or apricots? We're talking local, seasonal fruit, of course. There is nothing worse (well, that is meant as an exaggeration) than out of season watermelon tempting you into thinking it will taste as good as the jewels you find at the market or u-pick in August. Or now. I bought my first watermelon of the season (I am not counting those few I bought back in May when they started showing up at New Seasons from elsewhere) at the market last week and was so excited. I confess it was not quite there. The thrill of buying it might have been better than the tasting of it later. We ate some, I cut a bunch up for the park- if we make it this week- and juiced the rest with some blueberries and beets. The possibilities of the watermelons to come, though, were definitely present in the flavor!

More blueberry love-

Morning Blueberry Smoothie
blueberries (a pint-ish)
frozen raspberries (or any frozen-ness, to taste)
rice protein
maca powder
almond milk
agave syrup (just a touch, to taste)
Blend it up!

Blueberries from the front yard...

Albert feeling the love.

Living this life- it is a leap of faith, a jump-off-the-cliff, a walk through fire...knowing this goodness and living it. Albert knows it. The blueberries too. Dr. Seuss might say How about you?

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