
Thursday, July 2, 2009

some like it hot

Hot hot hot- it gets hot and dry here in the summer and while some people really love this kind of weather, it is definitely not my favorite. I have to say, though, that after living in Portland for the last six years I can at least appreciate it- more than I could have before- and that is saying a lot! This has been the first summer that I did not start off the summer dreading the hottest of the hot weather in a very long time. This is not to say that I am not already thinking of a little rain, mind you. I would never go that far. A thunderstorm perhaps? Thunderstorms are one thing that the Pacific Northwest could learn a little about from the Midwest. I will be crossing my fingers and thinking of a good thunderstorm to shake things up and cool things off- when everyone is ready, of course, which around here should be in a day or two. Another nice thing about the Pacific Northwest is that I am not the only one wishing for cooler weather, particularly not after a couple of days in the nineties.

Eva has been making a lot of little guys out of flower petals-

Flower petal gathering- the center photo is of the king and queen.

OK and check it out- the petals dried and the eyes stayed on. You can see the king still wearing his crown. I love how the eyes look on the dried petals. Now how am I going to save these for the next 30 years?

Surprise cherry picking today when we went to a farm to check out the animals. The berries were not quite ready but there were cherries! We picked over nine pounds- plenty!

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