
Sunday, August 31, 2008

365 photo blog inspiration

I have been inspired by Project 365 and the Shine-y folks at the shine-with-unschooling list that I am on and I want to try out posting a photo a day to my blog, in addition to my other blog posts. Initially, I had thought about starting another blog for this purpose but decided against it, lest it turn into too many have-tos and not enough inspiration. Goodness knows, I don't need to add any more have-tos to my life. Creative inspiration, however, is always welcome, energy permitting. I was also prompted to fix the clock on my camera, which as it turns out, was three days behind. Imagine! If you want to see other unschooling photo blogs, you can follow the Shine with Unschooling ring on the right. There is some great inspiration to be found among those blogs for sure.

Eva made mud cakes for her frogs...The one with the apple is the birthday-frog and she is off enjoying her cupcake on her own. She is two weeks old today. Eva just let me know that the flower on the apple is actually the frog's hat and she set it on the apple/ cupcake to make it pretty. She is going to take it off when she is done. The full scoop.

And I just cannot get enough of our rat Charlie looking so cute in his little snugly. This snugly is made from one of Samuel's old sweat pant legs. Different than my fleece socks, but really just the same. He comes out for snacks, as usual. Oh, and we found out that he does indeed run on his new wheel that we got him- just not usually when we are around because he is too preoccupied with our giving him snacks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

jess, mom just sent me your blog link !!! I was super excited to see it as I just started mine! great way to keep in touch with life. kristin