
Monday, January 5, 2009


So I have been feeling very slow and am wondering if this is winter. One of the reasons I like it here in the Pacific Northwest is that I find the rain and cloud cover to be very relaxing, soothing even at times. But even I recognize that extended periods of this weather can really slow things down. And right now I think that is just fine. Let's see what happens when we go with the flow of the seasons and let winter slow us down a little...

On another note, Facebook does not allow images of breastfeeding mothers and considers them to be "obscene, sexually explicit and pornographic". I am posting this blog here to get the word out. Obviously, pictures of breastfeeding mothers are not obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic. Facebook's attitude is unacceptable. We need to be able to see images of mothers breastfeeding their children openly, without shame, with joy and love. We need this to be commonplace! Acceptable! Applauded!

Eva and I have been doing a lot of puzzles. We were particularly proud of this one which is made up entirely of pieces shaped like little lizards (schmuzzle puzzle from when I was a kid)- except the edges, of course. She asked me to take this picture when we finished up the puzzle today. Triumphant!


Brian J said...

Thanks for calling attention to Facebook's policy. As much as I enjoy Facebook, they've got a lot of shifty things going on. I read an article last year about how conservative (politically) the major investors in Facebook are, and I wonder how much that drives ridiculous policies like the ban on breast feeding photos.

Jessica Huber said...

Well, that is too bad about their political bent. It makes sense though, given some of the adds I see, you know. Too bad the conservative people are so darn organized :)