
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Today I learned that if you leave maple leaves on the ground, at least here in my backyard, they will not get in the way of the grass growing- if that concerns you. It vaguely concerns me in that others, like my landlord, seem very intent on it. They break down so well and so quickly there is no need to rake. The oak leaves take quite a bit longer to break down (4-5 years!) and I did rake them last fall. The apples that were left in large quantities have squashed down a part of the yard and do seem to be inhibiting the grass's growth, at least that is what it currently looks like. I am convinced that given a little time, the apples too will break down and the grass will grow back. I decided to give the grass a hand today and composted some of the extra apples.

Even as we speak the worms and slugs are helping things along as well. In fact I was thinking as I picked up some apples from the ground today that I might be able to plant primroses this year because the slugs have so much to eat they won't even think to look at the primroses. I don't begrudge them the primroses, they seem to really love them and I don't have very many issues with slugs or snails in my vegetable garden, but honestly the last time I planted primroses they ate the flowers so quickly I barely got to see them bloom and the plants were reduced to tiny stalks in just a few days. The primroses looked so pretty at the store the other day. I am still debating. I may just wait for begonias.

A few days ago we went to a newish pizza climbing place, Out of This World. I think this was the first time Samuel took off his boots to jump on one. Gosh so many firsts at age 8! Bowling, bike riding, roller skating, and now jumping things!

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