The kids and I have been out of town at the La Leche League of Washington Conference in Redmond, Washington. Good fun was had by all- lots of swimming and we went in the whirl pool and ate out a lot and enjoyed just generally the fun of staying in a hotel for a couple of days. I was thrilled to see Mary Sheedy Kurcinka (author of Raising Your Spirited Child), Scott Noelle (author of The Daily Groove and my fabulous parenting coach!) and Pam Leo (author of Connection Parenting) speak at the conference. All so inspiring! Reading Raising Your Spirited Child when Samuel was a toddler fully changed my life and it was just perfect to finally get to see her speak. And I can't recommend enough the work of both Scott Noelle and Pam Leo.
The only thing(s) lacking at the conference were Kombucha :) and vegetables. There is such a dearth of vegetables out there in the world and I was happy to see the produce basket, complete with Romanesco, waiting for us when we got back. Eva and I got to work eating up cucumbers, carrots, peppers (well, me at least) and a little of the Romanesco. We did, however, have apples! I took some with us and we also went to a farmers market! right across from the hotel on the first morning. I had an awesome breakfast burrito and bought some lip balm from a honey vendor. There is just nothing like the market!
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