
Friday, April 23, 2010


There are some days when Eva makes a list of things she wants to do (or things she would like me to do) on that day. Yesterday her list was-
be swung on the swing
read Fox in Socks
read Garfield
read Watership Down
play another game of The Settlers of Catan

Samuel's list went something like this-
play another game of The Settlers of Catan (he got this for his birthday and is really really enjoying it)
play a game of backgammon (for money)
get an icee
buy Wii Monopoly
play mancala

My list was-
mow the lawn
{and I added} get Indian food {later on}

We ended up playing The Settlers of Catan and backgammon (not for money), reading Fox in Socks and a few other books, and getting Indian food. I did indeed mow the lawn over the course of the entire afternoon and I also did a little garden work here and there. We did not swing and we did not buy Wii Monopoly. No matter now as we did those things first thing this morning.


And now off to play some mancala with Samuel...

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