
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A couple of links...

Here's a little ditty about the story of stuff from those who brought us the Meatrix. I eat meat (sometimes) and I buy stuff (more often than not, but surely with a conscience or at least conscientiously, as with most things...) and it is still good to keep this stuff in mind when you are out getting more stuff (or, in, as the case may be).

And here is this great link to some online pattern blocks. I stumbled across it when I was shopping! for pattern blocks for Christmas. We have really been enjoying this site and it is fun to see what patterns you can put together.

We also finished this extraordinarily fun book last night called The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith. We have been reading his books (including Babe the Gallant Pig and A Mouse Called Wolf) and came across this one and we really enjoyed it. Imagine my surprise when I went searching for his name and came across a movie! for this book that is coming out in a matter of weeks. I pay such little attention to goings on like this that it is a wonderful synchronicity for me to find this out! It is really one of the things that makes life so much fun!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oooh, I love that pattern block link!

We just went to Golden Compass and saw the preview for The Water Horse movie. It looks pretty neat!