Samuel walks, Eva toots
Eva walks, Samuel waits to toot
Funky fire shot. The heat changed the lighting. Samuel has learned how to set up a fire and is lighting it here.
Every picture has a story and this one is no different. This is our dog Jack and he is sitting in the front seat of the car because there is nowhere else to sit. He is determined, however, to go with us on our errands this day. Frequently Jack will run out of the house and jump in the car whether we plan to take him with us or not. He loves to go with us and to his credit, we do go fun places like the Arboretum often and we usually take him when we go. This day, however, was more about errands than trees, although one of the errands was to the recycling center, which is about trees if you take the longer view of things. Once Jack has jumped into the car and decided he wants to go with us it is a real challenge to convince him to come out of the car. He is quite dogged that way. And so this picture is taken with me and the kids laughing hysterically as we try and get him out of the car and you can see that he has hunkered down into the front seat and does not intend to budge. We got him out eventually- this time!- but he was not happy about it! It has happened in the past where I have not been able to get him out of the car and have just taken him on our errands with us. On this day, however, there was a not a free seat in the car. And Jack does not drive, although I am sure if he did he would take us to the Arboretum daily.
Here is Eva in the left over pieces of yarn from the sweater I have been working on. She said, momma isn't is lovely?
1 comment:
I was browsing the unschooling blog ring and my daughter said, "I KNOW HER!!" Did you guys go to L&L? If you are the right Eva, my dd Ella was quite impressed woth her. She is not someone who usually likes younger tykes, but she loved Eva.
From, Another Jessica (smile)
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