Eva helping to make pita bread; Eva and her lego creation; we also made an apple lady bug after being inspired by an issue of Your Big Backyard. That same day we painted rocks and transformed them into beetles. That was a lot of fun. They are now sitting in between the nature table and the art table, being a little bit of both as painted beetle rocks.
A study in blue and red knights and monsters. Samuel has been painting quite a few of these red and blue knights fighting various monsters and mythical creatures. This week he painted his largest painting yet (his words). There he is before painting and there the painting is after. I hung it in the hallway where there is plenty of room to see it clearly in all of its knight and fire-breathing monsterness.
And of course the great spider lady in our front yard is just grand now. What a creation her web is, eh?
I made some pita bread today which I have not made for many years. The last time I made it we had just one cat! (not three cats, a dog, a hamster and two kids) and we were living in Brooklyn. It turned out pretty well this time. Some of them did not puff up but a couple did and that is always a thrill to see! Eva enjoyed helping to roll out the dough before we put them in the oven. Hers puffed up the most I think because she rolled hers out so thoroughly. They were very thin. I think some of her train cars helped to roll them out, something I will try and remember for next time! I did have to make sure none of the plastic horses were left in the dough before putting them in the oven.
And some great tea-
lemon balm
Infuse for a couple of hours or longer. It is a great immune boost and really flavorful. The thyme really complements the chamomile. I highly recommend it!
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