Last night Samuel said he saw that there were candy canes for sale at Rite Aid! For several hours this morning he asked me repeatedly if a) I believed him that there were
really candy canes for sale at Rite Aid
already and b) if we could go get some. Finally I decided that going to buy some candy canes at Rite Aid was not the worst thing I could do today and we went right over to get them on the way to do another more tedious errand. I had the choice to be not only incredulous but also slightly disgusted, as is the usual response when
they go about trying to market holiday goods earlier and earlier each year. It feels pretty good because then I can also feel righteous, you know, that sort of thing. This time, though, I saw something that might be more fun. I realized that this was the first time I had ever bought candy canes
before Halloween. Right? Is that crazy? A for real FIRST! So I celebrated with the kids, with Samuel and really savored the experience with him. I didn't have a candy cane because, well, I don't really like candy canes
that much. But Samuel does. And boy did the car smell like Christmas! And just two days until Halloween! What a celebration!
Tonight Samuel caught one of our cats, Maxwell, catching a
bird on our patio. Lucky for the bird, but not for Maxwell, we put Maxwell inside and I got a shoe box and started to help the bird. The bird was lying on the ground on his side and there were lots of feathers all around. I called the
Audubon Society and they had just closed. I listened to their handy recording on what to do if you find an injured bird. It was just enough information and just long enough for me to get myself back to basics and figure out how to help the bird. To my surprise, when I turned him right side up, he clasped onto my finger with his claws and just sat there on my finger for a good while. He would periodically look back at me and then look down at my hand but he felt safe and clearly needed a moment to collect himself, near death experience and all. I sat with him like this outside near the bird feeder for a while, fifteen minutes maybe. Then I was cold and needed a sweater and a hat and I brought him inside in a shoe box (with a towel on the bottom). While I was inside I showed him to Eva who wanted in on the action and took a good look at him and asked if we could keep him. We just finished reading a book called The
True Story of Stellina by Mateo
Pericoli in which a woman in New York finds a baby bird on the corner of a busy intersection and brings the bird home to live with her in her apartment in Manhattan. The bird lived with them for eight years! Eva was inspired and here we had our own little
Stellina story to try out! I convinced her (slightly) that the bird would be happier outside and that having three cats kind of made having a bird more difficult. She said, "but momma, two of the cats won't try and catch the bird." This is true. Magoo can't really see well enough to pose
much of a threat to a bird and Agnes is, well, a bit on the heavy side to run fast enough to catch a bird. Such is the life of domestication. But Maxwell, well he is another story. He likes to catch birds and mice and he is not well fed enough to do it. It's his whole continuum kicking in. Nothing is quite as satisfying for him as catching a little frightened bird trapped on our patio. I don't blame him, I just don't let it happen if I can.
So Eva and I took the little bird back outside, who by this time had attempted to fly inside the shoe box. When we got outside I went back over to the bird feeder and reached in to pick him up and this time he flew! All the way to the fence! I went over to check on him and he looked at me a little. Then he flew to the apple tree. We went inside and I went to check on him again in the apple tree about ten minutes later. When I got too close he disappeared. I knew he was safe when I couldn't fine him anymore. A very satisfying ending to an almost sad story. I was so tickled that he sat on my finger and for that long! I will look for him at my
bird feeder- or at least in the apple tree!
Let's see, anything else? Oh, I had more fun today when I checked out the
Saturday Night Live soundtrack from the library and listened to it while I cleaned the kitchen! There are some good songs on there and there is no way you won't enjoy yourself!
And we made
pomegranate sorbet/
granita. It is so worth it! Just so you know, it takes about two full
pomegranates to make a cup of
pomegranate juice. It is good stuff and it goes quick!