
Saturday, August 25, 2007


The hamster came back! Not twenty minutes after I wrote the last post (which is mis-dated, by the way, because I wrote over a post titled Treasure Hunts... that I started on Thursday. The missing hamster just seemed more relevant. I'm not missing the irony that the missing hamster, Fluffy wanders off, is a sort of treasure hunt in and of itself, surely not to be outdone by the other treasure hunts I was going to write about a couple of days ago!). I was in the kitchen making food for Eva and she started pretending she was a character she just came up with, Chicky. Chicky was peep peeping at me to follow her, as she crawled into the next room, to put her into her *nest* which is a pillow inside the plastic climbing structure we have in the living room. I followed her and looked over and there!, Fluffy came out from behind the ONE-BOOKCASE-I-COULD-NOT-MOVE! He moved slowly and yawned a little (ok I am embellishing for effect here), he just moved a little slowly and stopped and I went over and scooped him up and gave him some banana which he took and nibbled and even stuck some in his pouch for later. Then I put him in his little cage and he went over and got into his bedding nest and started grooming himself. End of story! What a happy ending. Everyone had been so distraught they could barely get excited when I presented Fluffy to them and instead looked at him in wonder. But the relief is palpable in the house now that Fluffy is back and we have each taken turns to go and check on him, safe in his cage, asleep.

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