
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

knowing {notes to self}

There are things that we don't know and things that we think we know. Of the things that you think you know, which of them do you really know? By putting them in order and pretending to know, what are you giving up?

From The Art of Possibility-
"We keep looking so hard in life for the 'specific message,' and yet we are blinded to the fact that the message is all around us, and within us all the time. We just have to stop demanding that it be on OUR terms or conditions, and instead open ourselves to the possibility that what we seek may be in front of us all the time."

If we open up to the idea of not knowing, we open ourselves up to possibility.

No doubt about it, admitting that you don't know takes courage and a good bit of letting go. In return there is the free-falling freedom of living life as it is rather than as you thought it would be. Now rather than then. Love rather than fear. Finally. Something I know.

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