
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I was lucky enough to see this garden spider (we call them big ladies.) outside our front window. I've never seen one with her egg sac before and this was a special treat. This was the closest I could get without {completely} upsetting her. As it was, she guarded her eggs the entire time I was around and only relaxed her vigilance once I took the step stool and my camera away. I saw her looking more relaxed when I resumed watching her from inside the house. We've had quite a bit of cold weather recently and I haven't seen her through the window since the cold weather. It seems she got her egg sac finished just in time. I look forward to seeing her babies hatch and pour out of their egg sac this spring.


Shady Lady said...

That is so cool! Spiders are fascinating...from a distance. They just have to stay outside the house.

Jessica Huber said...

Love them! We found another one two nights ago. There will be many baby spiders this spring!