
Monday, May 12, 2008

We had a lovely day today at an outdoor skills class with Trackers Northwest and learned a little something about animal tracking. Samuel and Eva really enjoyed walking in the woods and we saw Osprey and Hawks. We looked at a lot of animal poo and considered who might have left it. We saw an amazing ant mound with a ton of worker ants. I have been searching the web trying to identify them but haven't yet. They had a read head and a fairly thick abdomen, similar to a termite I guess. They were carrying wood and grass and seeds. It was great fun watching them.

Tracks found- deer, elk, fox, rabbit, beaver, maybe coyote. Fun fun fun! We learned how to tell who was eating the grass or the trees and when a beaver was cutting down trees. I am amazed at how lightly foxes walk along the sand. As though they are barely there. I imagine we were tracked a little ourselves.

After the tracking, we worked as a group to build a fire and they showed us how to start a fire without matches, which was quite interesting as well. I have to say I enjoyed the tracking most of all.

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