
Sunday, May 27, 2007


-three little bean bags lined up with a baby doll asleep on them
-nine lego creations built for me lined up on the window sill, one with Eva loves mommy written on it in permanent ink
-a baggie with lemonade in it, in the freezer, just to see what happens
-a doll sized teacup with sugar and ice cubes frozen in the freezer, to see how to make sugar ice
-little bowls of flowers on the table
-a jar with holes punched in the top and little bugs inside
-a bionicle standing up on some pillows, pointing his weapon at a fortress on the slide
-a slide in the living room
-lego guys using the spider plant vines as vines to swing on
-planting turnip and bean seeds in the middle of the grass as a surprise for me (and the turnips are thriving and I mow around them)
-stuffed tiger sleeping on bed of blocks and play silks (also near the slide in the living room)
-two water balloons in the refrigerator to save
-a bag of ice from the winter when we had ice to remember when we don't

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